
Schedule Your Appointment

Are you ready to begin your own unique journey?  To schedule an appointment you may call or text Tiffany directly at 

(915) 255-5269

OR, you may click on one of the appointment types below to set your appointment.  I look forward to working with you!

Online Session

Online Hours are by appointment during the following days and times:

Thursday and Friday 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

What You Need

In order for us to have a successful online hypnosis session, there are a couple of things you will need before we can schedule your appointment:

A secure internet connection

A Cell Phone / Landline (as a back up)

Headphones - preferably the type used by gamers with a microphone, but a normal set of headphones with a mic will do.

This will provide the most optimal experience for you during your session as well as privacy

Have all of these things?  GREAT!  Let's get you scheduled for your FREE 30 Min Consultation! 

Please Note

The hypnosis practiced here is aimed at assisting you in accessing your higher consciousness and empowering you to achieve your goals. I am not a medical doctor, practitioner, psychologist, therapist, or mental health counselor, and I make no claims to that effect. I believe that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, a natural and innate ability within every individual. Despite research results suggesting otherwise, I do not make any claims regarding health benefits resulting from my services. I am a Metaphysical Practitioner with a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Science and an ordained minister. Additionally, I am an Advanced Certified Hypnotist, with a special certification in Past Life Regression. Results may vary by individual. If you have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, any mental illness, medical illness, or pain, please consult with your physician or mental health care provider to address those concerns.